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Dr. Luciana CASTELLINA Journalist; Former Member of the European Parliament, Rome


 Degree in law at the University La Sapienza, Roma
1958-1962 Journalist, editor of "Nuova Generazione", weekly magazine of the Italian Communist Youth. Later at Paese Sera, leftwing daily. President of UDI (Unione Donne Italiane)
1969 Published, with a number of other members of the Italian Communist Party (PCI) the magazine "Il Manifesto", critical towards the official line of the party, because more critical towards the Soviet Union and closer to the 68th movement. Expelled from the PCI, "Il Manifesto" became also a political organisation (later called Pdup) and many of the 68th movement's militants joined it
1972 "Il Manifesto" became a daily which still exists.
 Elected in the Italian Parliament in 1976, 1979, 1983, 1992
1979-1999 Member of the European Parliament. Here she has been president of the committee on culture and media, of the committee for external economical relations, Vice-President of the permanent delegation of the European Parliament to South America
1999 -2003 President of Italia Cinema, the agency for promotion of Italian cinema


President of
Member of the Board of the Basso Foundation
Member of the Directory of ARCI (Associazione di promozione sociale)


"Che c'e in America?", Ed. Bertani, 1972
"Famiglia e società", Ed. Il Manifesto, 1973
"ll cammino die movimenti", Ed. Intramoenia, 2003
"50 anni d'Europa, una lettura non retorica", Ed. Utet 2007
Writings in many collective publications on foreign policy, peace movement, environment