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MA Ph.D. Luis PERAL Research Fellow, European Union Institute for Security Studies, Paris


 Ph.D. in Law, MA in Law of the European Union, MA in Law, BA in Political Sciences, with specialisation in International Relations
 Diploma in English Law, University of Kent, Canterbury
1992-2004 Lecturer in International Law, Law Faculty, University Carlos III of Madrid
2004-2006 Senior Fellow at FRIDE (Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior), Madrid
2004-2008 Ramon y Cajal Researcher, Ministry of the Presidency of the Spanish Government, Madrid
2006-2008 Director of the Conflict Prevention and Resolution Programme at the Toledo International Centre for Peace, CITpax, Madrid
since 2008 Research Fellow, European Union Institute for Security Studies, Paris
 Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan Law School, Lecturer at the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (Sanremo, Italy), Lecturer at the European Masters Course on Democratisation and Human Rights of the European Inter-University Centre (Venice)
 His research and publications, particularly, Éxodos masivos, supervivencia y mantenimiento de la paz (Trotta, 2001), are focused on International Refugee Law, Humanitarian Law, European Human Rights Law, and Peacekeeping


Member, Steering Committee of the International Colloquium on Refugees and Post-Conflict Reconciliation


Paradojas de la no-globalización. Derechos sin fronteras y otros desafíos de la humanidad (Paradox of Non-Globalisation. Rights without Borders and Challenges to Mankind). Madrid, Lengua de Trapo, Colección Desórdenes, 2003
El conflicto de Colombia (The Conflict of Colombia), with Miguel Peco, Madrid, BOE, 2005
The Role of the Army in Peacebuilding, Ejército, vol. LXVII-779, pp. 43-52, 2006
Civil and Military Involvement in Peacebuilding; Free and Fair Elections; Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration; Security Sector Reform), in Actuación de las Fuerzas Armadas en la consolidación de la paz, CESEDEN - EALEDE, 2007