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Dr. Lukas NIEDERREITER Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge


2004-2010 M.D., Medical University Innsbruck
2008-2010 M.D. Diploma thesis "ER stress transcription factor Xbp1 regulates NFkB activity in intestinal epithelial cells" supervisor Prof. Arthur Kaser
since 2010 Phd in Medicine, University of Cambridge


Member, European Bahá'í Business Forum, 2010
Member, Society for Mucosal Immunology, 2011
Member, American College of Physician Executives, since 2012


Kaser A, Niederreiter L, Blumberg RS.: Genetically determined epithelial dysfunction and its consequences for microflora-host interactions. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2011 Nov;68(22):3643-9. Review.
Niederreiter L, Kaser A. Endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammatory bowel disease. Acta Gastroenterol Belg. 2011 Jun;74(2):330-3. Review.
Fritz T, Niederreiter L, Adolph T, Blumberg RS, Kaser A. Crohn's disease: NOD2, autophagy and ER stress converge. Gut. 2011 Nov;60(11):1580-8. Review.
Fritz T, Niederreiter L, Tilg H, Blumberg RS, Kaser A. Controversy over NOD2, inflammation, and defensins. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2010 Nov;16(11):1996-8. Commentary


Poster prize in Investigative Pathology - Joint Annual Meeting ÖGP-SGP, 2011