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PhD Lykke FRIIS Prorector for Education, University of Copenhagen


1994 Head of Section at the Danish Ministry of Industry
Robert Schuman Scholar at the European Parliament, Luxembourg/Brussels
1996-1999 Research Fellow at the Danish Institute of International Affairs (DUPI)
1999-2002 Senior research Fellow at DUPI
2002 Research Director, DUPI
2003-2006 Director of European Affairs,Confederation of Danish Industries
2006-2009 Pro-Vice Chancellor,University of Copenhagen
2009-2011 Danish Minister for Climate,Energy and Gender Equality
2011-2013 Member of the Danish Parliament,( Liberal Party)
since 2013 Prorector for Education, University of Copenhagen


2012- Chairman of the Danish Foreign Policy Society
since 2012 Member of the Cooperate Board of VELUX A/S
since 2012 Member of the board of the Danish-German Chamber of Commerce
since 2013 Member of the board of the European Council of Foreign Relations
Deputy Chairperson, The Danish Growth Council
The Danish Atlantic Treaty Association
The Government s task force - More Women in Academia
Board of the Danish Foreign Policy Society


Breaking the Waves. The Eastern and EFTA Enlargement, in European Union Negotiations redigeret af Ole Elgström og Christer Jönsson, Routledge, 2005
Reviving Europe s Universities, Europe s World, Autumn 2007
Project Europe 2030. Challenges and Opportunities, A Report to the European Council by the Reflection Group on the Future of the EU 2030, Mai 2010
Denmark: Caught between  ins and  outs , in The new Political Geography of Europe, European Council of Foreign Affairs, 2013


since 2004 Member of the Trilateral Commission
2006 European Woman of the year in Denmark
2009 Awarded the "Rosenkjær price" by the Danish Broadcasting Corporation for exceptional dissemination of European politics