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Ph.D. Margaret S. ARCHER Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick, Coventry


1964-1966 Supervisor, University of Cambridge
1966-1973 Lecturer in Sociology, University of Reading
1973-1979 Reader in Sociology, University of Warwick
since 1979 Profesoor in Sociology, University of Warwick


Trustee, Centre for Critical Realism
Founding Member and Councillor, Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
Founding Member, Academy of Social Sciences
Member, Academia Europea


Realist Social Theory: The Morphogenetic Appriach, CUP, 1995
Being Human, Cambridge University Press, 2000
Structure, Agency and the Internal Conversation, CUP, 2003
Making our way through the world, CUP, 2007


Past President, International Sociological Association