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Margot WALLSTRÖM Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Stockholm


1986-1987 Branch manager, Sparbanken Alfa
1977-1979 Bank clerk, Sparbanken Alfa
1974-1977 Representative, Swedish Social Democratic Youth League, Värmland
2013-2014 Board member, Lund University
Board member, Global Challenge Foundation
Board member, ICA
2012-2014 Adviser, Institute for Human Rights and Business
2011-2014 Advisory board member, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA)
2010-2012 Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Confl ict
2007-2014 Chair, Council of Women World Leaders Ministerial Initiative
2004-2010 First Vice President of the European Commission, responsible for institutional relations and communication strategy
1999-2004 European Commissioner for the Environment
1996-1998 Minister for Social Affairs
1994-1996 Minister for Culture
1988-1991 Deputy Minister of Public Administration
1979-1985 Member of the Riksdag


"Elitprojekt - nej! Folkets Europa" ("Elite project - no! The people's Europe"), Göran Färm and Margot Wallström, 2008
"Folkens Europa eller varför är det så svårt att älska EU?" ("The people's Europe or Why is it so hard to love the EU?"), Göran Färm and Margot Wallström, 2004
"Fred i öst och väst" ("Peace in east and west"), Margot Wallström, 1983


Gothenburg Award for Sustainable Development, 2008
HM the King's Medal of the 12th size with the ribbon of the Order of the Seraphim, "For enduring outstanding achievement in Swedish and European politics", 2008
Elin Wägner Society award for 'Alarm Clock of the Year, 2012
Commander of the French Legion of Honour, 2014