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Dr. Margret WINTERMANTEL President, German Academic Exchange Service, Bonn


1966-1970 Read psychology and media studies at the University of Mainz
1970 Final Diplom examination and graduation in psychology
1970-1972 Scholarship holder of the Rhineland-Palatinate Foundation for Highly-Gifted Students
  Lecturer at the TH Darmstadt and teacher at the grammar school in Jugendheim, Bergstraße
1972 Gained her doctorate with the degree of Dr. rer. nat.
1972-1977 Research assistant at the Psychology Institute of the University of Heidelberg
1972 Research stays at Ann Arbor and Berkeley
1977-1979 DFG Research Grant
1979-1986 Lecturer at the Psychology Institute of the University of Heidelberg and project director for the DFG research unit "Speaking and Language Understanding"
1983-1985 DFG "Habilitation" Scholarship Holder
1986 "Habilitation" in psychology at the University of Heidelberg
1985-1987 Member of the study group on "Historical Change in Social Psychology" of the Werner Reimers Foundation
1986-1992 Senior contract lecturer at the University of Heidelberg
  Project director and coordinator in the Heidelberg/Mannheim Collaborative Research Centre SFB 245 "Language and Situation"
1987-1989 Member of the Senate Committee on Women's Affairs at the University of Heidelberg
1987-1993 Chairwoman of the Association of Women Academics and Scientists in Baden-Württemberg
1988-1994 Reviewer for the Baden-Württemberg Länder Government Programme to Support Women
1992 University Professor (C4) at the University of the Saarland
1994-1997 Vice-President responsible for Teaching and Studies at the University of the Saarland
1995/1996 Member of the Committee of Experts on "Research and Technology" in the Saarland
1994-1998 Member of the Executive Board of the German Psychology Society
1996-1998 Member of the Higher Education Structure Committee of Baden-Württemberg
1999-2000 Member of the Evaluation Committee on Psychology at the Northern Network Universities (Bremen, Greifswald, Hamburg, Kiel, Oldenburg)
since 1996 Liaison lecturer and since 1997 member of the Selection Committee for the German National Study Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)
1999-2000 Ombudswoman at the University of the Saarland
  Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Social and Applied Human Sciences
  Member of the Advisory Board on Women's Affairs
  Member of the Senate of the University of the Saarland
2000-2006 President of the University of the Saarland
2001-2006 HRK Vice-President for Research and Young Scientists
since 2002 Member of the University Council of the University of Konstanz
since 2004 Member of the Austrian Science Board (Österreichischer Wissenschaftsrat)
since 2006 President of the Hochschulrektorenkonferenz
since 2007 Member of the Council of the United Nations University
since 2009 Member of the Board of the European University Association (EUA)
since 2012 President of the German Academic Exchange Service


Nomination as Knight of the Legion of Honour, 2005
Cross of Merit, 1st Class of the Federal Republic of Germany, 2009