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Dr. Maria BLETTNER Prof. and Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics at the School of Public Health, University of Bielefeld


 Diploma and PhD in Statistics from the University of Dortmund
1978-81 Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany
1983-85 Statistician, Analytical Epidemiology Programme, International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organisation, Lyon, France
1985-88 Statistician, (Special Expert), Radiation Epidemiology Branch, Program of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, USA
1989-97 Statistician and Epidemiologist, Devision of Epidemiology, German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg, Germany


International Biometric Society (DR)
American Society for Epidemiological Research (SER)
International Statistical Institute (ISI)
German Society of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS)
Swiss Society for Social and Preventive Medicine
International Association of Epidemiology (IEA)
Gesellschaft für biologische Strahlenforschung


Mortality from cancer and other causes among airline cabin attendants in Germany, 1960-97 (w. H.Zeeb, G.Hammer, I.Langner, T.Schafft), in: American Journal of Epidemiology (in press). 2002
Gesundheits- und soziodemographische (sozioepidemiologische) Indikatoren in der Gesundheits- und Sozialberichterstattung (w. D.Bardehle, U.Laaser), in: Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz 44. 2001
Are mobile phones harmful? (w. G.Berg), in: Acta Oncologica 39. 2000
Epidemiological studies among pilots and cabin crew (w. H.Zeeb), in: Radiation Protection and Dosimetry 86. 1999