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Dr. Marion JANSEN Economic Research and Statistics Division, World Trade Organisation, Geneva


 Marion Jansen is a Counsellor in the Economic Research and Statistics Division of the World Trade Organization based in Geneva and fellow of the Centre of Economic Policy Research in London.
 Before joining the World Trade Organization she was active in government consulting and provided policy advice on industrial and social policy issues to the British Government and the European Commission. Marion Jansen conducted her undergraduate studies in economics at the universities of Konstanz and Toulouse and holds a PhD in economics from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). Her publications in the field of international economics cover the areas of development, government regulation, international finance, services liberalization and labour markets.




Jansen, Marion and Eddy Lee, Trade and Employment: Challenges for Policy Research, International Labour Organization and World Trade Organization, Geneva, 2007
Jansen, Marion, 'Services Liberalization at the Regional Level: Does Southern and Eastern Africa Stand to Gain from Economic Partnership Agreements', Journal of World Trade 41,2: 411-450, 2007
Jansen, Marion and Alessandro Turrini, 'Job Creation, Job Destruction, and the International Division of Labour' Review of International Economics 12(3): 476-494, 2004
Bacchetta, Marc and Marion Jansen, Adjusting to Trade Liberalization: The Role of Policy, Institutions and WTO Disciplines, Special Studies 7, World Trade Organization: Geneva, 2003