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Mag. Dr. MBA Markus TOMASCHITZ Vice President Corporate Human Resources, AVL List GmbH, Graz


1990-1998 Project Manager and Project Leader, Steirische Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft, Graz
1998-2002 Senior Partner and Chief Executive Officer Europe, MPO GmbH, Graz
2002-2006 Executive Director FH JOANNEUM, University of Applied Sciences
2006-2013 Executive Director Magna Education & Research GmbH. & CO. KG, Magna Int. Europe AG
 Since 2013 Vice President Corporate Human Resources, AVL List GmbH, Graz


President of Steirische Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft Graz
Member of the Programm Council of FIBAA
Member of the Board, Hayek Institut and Senior Fellow, Austrian Economic Center Vienna
Board Member, IBSA - International Business School of Austria


Fetka/Tomaschitz: Management 4.0; Leykam Verlag Graz 2017