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Martin SCHNEIDER Leitender Staatsanwalt, Präsidialsektion Abteilung III 3, Bundesministerium für Verfassung, Reformen, Deregulierung und Justiz, Wien


1972-1976 Study of Law, University of Vienna
1975-1979 University Assistant, University of Vienna
since 1982 Austrian Federal Ministry of Justice, Vienna
since 1991 Lecturer, University of Vienna
since 1993 Head of Legal Informatics and ICT Unit, Austrian Federal Ministry of Constitutional Affairs Reforms Deregulation and Justice, Vienna
1994-1997 Head of Expert Committee Legal Informatics, Council of Europe, Vienna
2006 Founder, Future-e-Justice
since 2018 Chief Information Officer, Austrian Federal Ministry of Constitutional Affairs Reforms Deregulation and Justice, Vienna


Working Party of the European Union e-Law
Expert Groups of the European Union e-Justice Strategy and Action Plan and Videoconferencing
IRIS (International Legal Informatics Symposion): Organisation Committee


2012: IRIS (International Legal Informatics Symposion) "e-Justice and e-CODEX"
2014: Liber Amicorum for Friedrich Lachmayer "e-Justice in Europe"
2015: Commentary in "Fasching" to the Austrian Code of Civil Procedure
2016: 25 Years of Success of the Austrian Electronic Business Register


2009: eGovernment Award given by the European Commission
2004: "Rechtsinformatiker des Jahres" Legal informatics person of the year, given by the University of Vienna,
2006: Crystal Scale of Justice
2014: Liber Amicorum "e-Justice in Austria - Experiences and European Context" for Martin Schneider