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Dr. Martin WENZ Professor, Chair for Tax Management and the Law of International and Liechtenstein Taxation; Head, Institute for Financial Services; Member of the Management Board, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz


1992-1998 Doctoral studies, University of Mannheim, research at Univ. of Cambridge and Oxford
1992-2000 Scientist, University of Mannheim and Ludwig-Maximilian- University of Munich
2001-2002 Authorised officer and manager, KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft AG, Frankfurt am Main, National Tax & Legal Division
2002-2005 Assistant Professor, Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Chair of Business Administration, Business Taxation and the Law of Taxation, Prof. Drs. Theisen
Habilitation studies, Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich
since 2005 Professor, Chair for Tax Management and the Law of International and Liechtenstein Taxation, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz
since 2006 Head of the Institute for Financial Services and Member of the University Management Board, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz
since 2007 Chairman of the Liechtenstein working group of tax experts to develop a draft for a total revision of the Liechtenstein tax law
since 2008 Advisor to the Liechtenstein Government to develop drafts to negotiate double tax conventions (DTC) and tax information exchange agreements (TIEA)


Chartered Institute of Taxation and Institute for Fiscal Studies, London
SEEurope - EU Network on the European Company Statute, Brussels
Tax Research Network, Warwick
German Academic Association for Business Research, Cologne
International Fiscal Association (IfA), Liechtenstein Branch, Vaduz
Verein für Socialpolitik, Frankfurt am Main


Die Europäische Aktiengesellschaft - Recht, Steuern und Betriebswirtschaft der Societas Europaea (SE), 2nd Edition, Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel, 2005 edited with Manuel R. Theisen)
Taxation of the European Company (Societas Europaea, SE): Perspectives on Tax Treatment, Planning and Reform, in: Gold, Michael/Nikolopoulos, Andreas/Kluge, Norbert (eds.), The European Company Statute - A New Approach to Corporate Governance, Oxford: Lang, 2008, p. 229-252
Kommentierung zu § 15 Aussensteuergesetz and Art. 11 OECD-Musterabkommen, in: Haase, Florian (eds.), Außensteuergesetz/Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen, Heidelberger Kommentar, C.F.Müller: Heidelberg, 2009 (together with Alexander Linn)
Steuerliche Behandlung liechtensteinischer Stiftungen in Liechtenstein, Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz, in: Schauer, Martin (ed.), Kurzkommentar zum neuen liechtensteinischen Stiftungsrecht, Basel: Helbing Lichtenhahn (together with Patrick Knörzer)
The Liechtenstein Tax Reform from the Perspective of Community Law, in: EStAL 4/2009, p. 453-462 (together with Alexander Linn)


Prize of the Schitagstiftung, Stuttgart, for outstanding degree dissertation on the topic of: "The European Company (SE)", 1992, published, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1993