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Dr. Michael COMER Head of research, Fighting Blindness, Dublin


1963-1972 Worked for the GNI, Ministry of Agriculture in the Chemical Research Division and the Plant Pathology Department of Queen s University, Belfast as a research assistant.
1965-1970 Graduate Studies BSc. (Level) Major: Applied Microbiology, at College of Technology and Ulster University, Belfast.
1970-1972 Supplementary Studies leading to election to Membership of the Institute of Biology and appointment as a Chartered Biologist (BSc Honours Level).
1972-1978 Worked at the Microbiological Research Establishment, Ministry of Defence, Porton Down, later the Centre for Applied Microbiological Research (CAMR) the UK s Public Health Laboratory Services (PHLS), Wiltshire, England
1975-1978 Postgraduate Research / Study / Dissertation under Professor Brian Hartley FRS at Imperial College, University of London leading to the award of the Diploma of Imperial College.
1978-1996 Worked for Boehringer Mannheim (now Roche) at their facilities near Munich, Bavaria, Germany
1982-1984 Studies and dissertation at the Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Vienna under Professor Hermann Katinger leading to the award of a Doctorate in Science and Technology
1996-1998 Set up and CEO of a Joint Venture Company to produce active ingredients and intermediates as bulk GMP- pharmaceuticals, company was sold!
1999-2001 Set up a software development and validation company for use in the pharmaceutical industry company was acquired!
2001-2003 Consulting"; self employed as a "freelance" Health and Life Sciences Consultant (in various fields of Biotechnology) both
2003-2004 Acting Director of Bio-Sciences at Science Foundation Ireland (Interim Post pending the appointment of a permanent incumbent
2004-2007 Director of Research, Adelaide and Meath Hospital Dublin incorporating the National Children s Hospital


DECHEMA (German Chemical Industry Association) Member of the Working Group for Guidelines on Safety in Biotechnology as well as other Expert Committees
Chairman of the Working Group on Genetic Engineering for of VDFP
Committee Member of the CEN, Paris, (Committee for European Standards) and DIN, Berlin, (German Standards Organisation)
Member of the ICH (international Committee on Harmonisation For FDA, EMEA and MNH).
Founding Chairman (1991) of the Animal Cell Technology Industrial Platform (ACTIP- Industrial Advisory Group to European Commission DG12 on Industrial Research. Chairman till 1996.
Founding Chairman (1997) of IBIA (Irish Bio-Industry Association) and Chairman till 2003
Vice Chairman, Health and Life Sciences Panel of the Irish Government s Foresight Exercise for the Irish Council for Science and Technology Innovation (ICSTI)
Member of the Steering Group for the Royal Irish Academy s (RIA) Biochemistry and Biotechnology Committee and
Chairman of the Committee for Academic Industrial Relations
Member of the ICSTI Task-Force on Biotechnology
Chairman of the CIB (Centre for Innovation for Biotechnology)
Initiator and Chairman of the 2002 and 2004 Bio-Ireland Conferences
Member of the Irish National Task Force Committee on Nano-Technology and
Vice Chairman of the Materials Science Group
Chairman (First) of the Northern Ireland s Government s International Expert Panel on Bio-Sciences
Chairman of the Organising Committee for the European Animal Cell Technology Dublin Meeting 2009


Publications on one s scientific performance were generally not encouraged in an industrial or commercial science context. However, there are over a score of patents and publications, either written as principle inventor or co-inventor, likewise, as author or as co-author of scientific papers. The patents are valid either as "World" or at least European coverage; the papers are published in recognised journals. There are also chapters in a number of text-books published in the life-science areas as well as presentations at a number of National or International Conferences or events.