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Dr. Michael Lysander FREMUTH Professor for Fundamental and Human Rights, University of Vienna; Scientific Director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights, Vienna


1999-2004 Studies of Law, University of Cologne
2005 First State Exam
2009 PhD, Supranationality of the EU
2010 Second State Exam
Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA, Visiting Scholar
2013-2019 President of the German UN Association in Bonn
2014 University of Pretoria, South Africa, Visiting Scholar
2017 Habilitation and Venia Docendi for Public International, European Union and Constitutional Law
Kant University, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation; Turkish-German University, Istanbul, Turkey, Visiting Scholar
2018-2019 Universities Bayreuth, Berlin and Trier (Associate Professor)
since 2019 Professor for Fundamental and Human Rights, University of Vienna; Scientific Director, Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights


German UN Association
German Association for International Law
Amnesty International


Fremuth M, Hobe S., Europarecht, 2017
Fremuth M., Vereinte Nationen: Jubilate?, 2016
Fremuth M., Menschenrechte: Grundlagen und Dokumente, 2015
Fremuth M. Die EU auf dem Weg in die Supranationalität, 2010


Kölner Universitätspreis für herausragende wissenschaftliche Leistungen, 2009
Bester Teilnehmer des Telder's International Law Moot Court, 2004