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Mag. Michael MOSER Cellist, Vienna


1978-1982 Architectural studies, Vienna University of Technology
1983-1990 Cello studies, University of Music in Graz and Vienna
1990 Master of art, University of Music, Graz
1993 Co-founder of ensemble polwechsel
1998 Artist in residence podewil, Berlin
Release of the first solo CD 'Violoncello'
2001 Co-founder of Trio Amos
2005 Donaueschinger Musiktage premiere of Bernhard Lang s Double/Schatten as soloist together with Dimitrios Polisoides and the SWR Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden under Sylvain Cambreling
2006 Artist in residence at Tesla Berlin
2008 Guest of the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Programm
Sound installation resonant cuts Singuhr-Hörgalerie Berlin
2011 Sound installation antiphon Stein Llangraum Krems
2014 Artist in residence electric Orpheus Academy