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Dr. Michael SCHULZ Professor of Philosophy and Theory of Religion, Faculty of Philosophy, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn


1978-1985 Study of Philosophy and Theology, Mainz and Rome
1985-1994 Pastoral Work, Teaching in Colleges
1994-2001 Assistant-Professor, Systematic Theology, Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Munich
2001-2004 Professor, Systematic Theology, Faculty of Theology, Lugano
2004-2010 Professor, Systematic Theology, Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Bonn
since 2010 Professor, Philosophy of Religion, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bonn


German Society for Philosophy of Religion, Tübingen
International Institute of Hermeneutics, Toronto
Interdisciplinary Latin America Center, Bonn
Centre for Religion and Society, Bonn


Schulz, M.: A Philosophical and Systematical Approach to Original Sin, in WierciD ski, A. (ed.): Between the Human and the Divine. Philosophical and Theological Hermeneutics, pp. 221-230, The Hermeneutic Press, Toronto, 2002
Schulz, M.: 'Fallen' Nature: How Sin Affects the Creation, in Communio. International Catholic Review 29, pp. 490-505, 2002
Schulz, M., Hoping, H.: Theodramatisches Urereignis: die Sünde Adams und die Wandlung des Menschen zum Schlechteren in Unheilvolles Erbe? Zur Theologie der Erbsünde. Quaestiones Disputatae 231, pp. 192-232, Freiburg, 2009
Schulz, M.: Katastrophen als Anklage - oder: Wie bekommt Gott einen gnädigen Menschen? Überlegungen zur Theodizee, in Kinzig, W., Rheindorf, T. (eds.): Katastrophen - und die Antworten der Religionen, Studien des Bonner Zentrums für Religion und Gesellschaft, Bd. 7, pp. 27-47, Ergon, Würzburg, 2011
Schulz, M.: A Philosophical and Systematical Approach to Original Sin, in WierciDski, A. (ed.): Between the Human and the Divine. Philosophical and Theological Hermeneutics, pp. 221-230, The Hermeneutic Press, Toronto, 2002


Scholarship German National Merit Foundation, 1980-1985