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M.D., MBA Michel Etienne CANAVAGGIO Vice President Global R&D, Baxter Bio Science, Vienna


1981-1986 National Blood Transfusion Center, Paris, France
1986-1995 Abbott Laboratories, Chicago
  Director, Probe Diagnostic Program
1996-1999 Biomerieux, Lyon, France
  Corporate Vice President Medical Affairs and Marketing
1999-2001 Genethon, Paris, France
  Chief Executive Officer
2001-2003 Baxter R&D Europe, Nivelles, Belgium
  Vice President, R&D Europe
since 2003 Vice President, Global R&D, Baxter Bio Science, Vienna


Member of the board of several biotech companies
Advisor to academic programs, venture capital funds, charitable funds (Duke University, Wellcome Trust) and third world healthcare initiative with the University of Cambridge, UK


published extensively in international journals on the subjects of infectious diseases, epidemiology and diagnostic


Silver Medal, Necker Medical School, University of Paris, 1980
Chairman Award (Abott Laboratories), 1986
The Entrepreneurial Award (Abbott Laboratories), 1987
Science Award (Abbott Laboratories), 1992