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MA Monica NISSEN Chief Executive Officer; Senior Consultant; Co-founder, InterChange ApS, Silkeborg


1976 Master of Architecture, Aalto University, Helsinki
1976-1980 Architect, Slotte & Schütz, Helsinki
1980-1998 Instructor in personal leadership & development, International Learning Center, Miami, FL
 Since 1991 Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, InterChange ApS, Silkeborg
1999-2007 Diverse professional training courses: Leadership in networked emergent systems, U-process, Leadership Coaching, Archetypes in organizations, Systems Thinking, Scenario Planning, Circle process, Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space Technology, World Café, Leadership in Living Systems
2007-2011 Module presenter, ALIA - Authentic Leadership in Action, Annapolis, MD
2008-2015 Board member, Allergica, Silkeborg