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MMag. Nicolas VERON Senior Fellow, Bruegel, Brussels; Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington, D.C.


1993-1994 M&A Advisory, Rothschild & Cie Bank, Paris
1995-1997 Economic Adviser, Prefecture of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region, Lille
1997-2000 Senior Corporate Adviser to French Labour Minister Martine Aubry, Paris
2000-2002 Vice President and CFO of MultiMania / Lycos France SA, Paris
since 2002 Involved in the Creation and Development of Bruegel
since 2009 Senior Fellow, Bruegel, Brussels
Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington, D.C.


Veron, N.: Europe's Single Supervisory Mechanism and the Long Journey towards Banking Union, Bruegel Policy Contribution, Issue 2012/16, 2012, available at (last accessed 03.06.2013)
Veron, N.: Global Financial Authorities must adapt to a Changed World; Global Financial Reform and Cross-border Integration: Asian Leadership Needed? in Gardner, S. (ed.): EU-Korea Economic Exchange, available at (last accessed 03.06.2013)
Veron, N., Guntram B. Wolf: From Supervision to Resolution: Next Steps on the Road to European Banking Union, Bruegel Policy Contribution, Issue 2013/04, 2013, available at> (last accessed 03.06.2013)
Veron, N.: The Challenges of Europe's Fourfold Union, Bruegel Policy Contribution, Issue 2012/13, 2012, available at: (last accessed 03.06.2013)


Included among the Global Top 50 Most Influential Individuals Ranking by Bloomberg Markets, September 2012