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B.Sc. M.Sc. Nour SHAWKY General Manager, Softec International, Cairo


2000 Internship, Hödlmayr International, Schwertberg, Austria
2001 German Abitur, Deutsche Evangelische Oberschule, Cairo
Internship, Infineon Technologies, Villach, Austria
2002 Egyptian German Telecommunication Industries, Cairo, Egypt
2004 Vordiplom in Computer Science, Universität Passau
2005 Bachelor of Science (with Excellence) in Computer Science - Highest faculty grade in 2005
2006 Master of Science (with Distinction) in Software Systems Engineering / Financial Stream, University College London, United Kingdom
2006-2007 Teaching Assistant, Computer Science Department, German University in Cairo
Software Engineer/Consultant, Aptec Kiosk Services
2006-2008 Project Manager, GoNow Aviation
2008-present Co-Founder & General Manager, Softec International
 Founding member of the Egyptian Social Democratic Party
 Public speaker on politics, economics and social democracy


Special Faculty Price for academic excellence by Universität Passau for achieving the highest grade in 2005
E-fellows scholarship
Awarded first prizes in international piano competitions in Egypt, Greece, Italy, Turkey and Germany