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Msc.Soc. Paavo LIPPONEN Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Finland, Helsinki


1963-1967 Journalist
1967-1979 Research and international affairs secretary and chief of planning at the Social Democratic Party office
1979-1982 Secretary to the Prime Minister
1989-1991 Head of the Finnish Institute of International Affairs
1983-1987 Member of Parliament
1991-2004 Member of Parliament
1993-2005 Chairman, Social Democratic Party
1995-2003 Prime Minister
1995 Speaker of the Finnish Parliament
2003-2004 Speaker of the Finnish Parliament


Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Outokumpu, 1989-1991


Muutoksen suunta (Kirjayhtymä), 1986
Kohti Euroopaa (Tammi), 2001
Muistelmat I (Memoirs I), 2009


Doctor of Laws, honorary doctorate, Dartmouth College, USA, 1997
Doctor of Laws, honorary doctorate, Finlandia University, USA, 2000
Honorary Doctor, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, 2002
Honorary Doctor, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Abo Akademi University, Finland, 2002
Theodor-Aue-Prize, 2005
Honorary Doctor, Department of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, 2011