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BA Patrick ROBINSON Judge, United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia


1964 BA - University College of the West Indies/London
1964-1966 Graduate Teacher of English and Sportsmaster at Kingston College, Jamaica
1968 Barrister at Law - Middle Temple(UK)
1986-1971 Crown Councel, Director of Public Prosecutions, Jamaica
1972-1973 Legal Advisor on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jamaica
1973-1975 Crown Counsel, Attorney General's Department
1975-1977 Assistant Attorney Gerneral
1977--1986 Senior Assistant Attorney General and Director on International Law in Attorney General's Department, jamaica
1980 Member of Jamaica's National Group
1982 Accredited Ambassardor to the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea
1982-1998 Accredited Ambassador to the Annual Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations


Member of International Bioethics Committee
Member of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law
Member of the American Society of International Law


Criteria to test the Developement Friendlines of Investment Agreement, Transnational Corporations Vol.7, 1998
Paper on Entry and establishment in Investment Agreements
The Definition of Investment in Regional and Multilateral Investment Treaties and their Implication for Developement
Protection of Human Rights in the Democratic Reality in the Hemisphere: Problems and Challenges


Awarded U.K. Commonwealth Scholarship to read for LL.M in International Law
Awarded United Nations Fellowship in International Law