Dr. Paul LUIF Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, OIIP - Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik, Wien
1966-1972 | Studies in Law and Sociology at the University of Vienna, Dr. iur. 1971 |
1972-1974 | Scholar at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Political Science Department |
1974-1980 | Assistant Professor for Political Science, Salzburg University |
since 1980 | Senior Fellow at the Austrian institute for International Affairs (oiip), Vienna |
1997 | "Habilitation" for Political Science at Salzburg University |
Co-Editor of the "Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft", Vienna | |
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Perspectives. The Central European Review of International Affairs", Prague | |
Member of the International Advisory Board of the journal "Politics in Europe", Pilsen |
Luif P.: On the Road to Brussels. The Political Dimensions of Austria's Finland's and Sweden's Accession to the European Union, Braumüller, 1995 | |
Luif P. (ed.): Österreich, Schweden, Finnland. Zehn Jahre Mitgliedschaft in der Europäischen Union, Böhlau, 2007 | |
Luif P.: Die Zusammenarbeit in Mitteleuropa als Element der österreichischen EU-Politik. Projektbericht für das Lebensministerium, Wien, 26. Juli 2007 |
Fulbright Scholar 2008 |