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Dr. Paul LUIF Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, OIIP - Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik, Wien


1966-1972 Studies in Law and Sociology at the University of Vienna, Dr. iur. 1971
1972-1974 Scholar at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Political Science Department
1974-1980 Assistant Professor for Political Science, Salzburg University
since 1980 Senior Fellow at the Austrian institute for International Affairs (oiip), Vienna
1997 "Habilitation" for Political Science at Salzburg University


Co-Editor of the "Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft", Vienna
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Perspectives. The Central European Review of International Affairs", Prague
Member of the International Advisory Board of the journal "Politics in Europe", Pilsen


Luif P.: On the Road to Brussels. The Political Dimensions of Austria's Finland's and Sweden's Accession to the European Union, Braumüller, 1995
Luif P. (ed.): Österreich, Schweden, Finnland. Zehn Jahre Mitgliedschaft in der Europäischen Union, Böhlau, 2007
Luif P.: Die Zusammenarbeit in Mitteleuropa als Element der österreichischen EU-Politik. Projektbericht für das Lebensministerium, Wien, 26. Juli 2007


Fulbright Scholar 2008