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Dr. Pawel KACZMARCZYK Assistant Professor, Chair for Demography, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University; Research Fellow and Vice Director, Centre of Migration Research, Warsaw University; Head of the Central and Eastern European Economic Research Center, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University


 Graduated from the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University in June 1999; PhD in economics (Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University, 2004).
 Assistant professor in the Chair for Demography at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University (since 2004).
 Research fellow at the Centre of Migration Research, Warsaw University (since 1997).
 Head of the Central and Eastern European Economic Research Center at Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University (since 2005).
 Head of the Joint Doctoral Programme, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University and the Warsaw School of Economics (since 2005)


2002. From net emigration to net immigration. Socio-economic aspects of international population movements in Poland, in: R.Rotte, P.Stein (eds.) Migration Policy and the Economy, München: Hanns Seidel Stiftung (co-author: Marek Okolski).
2004. Polish workers on the EU market (co-editor), Warsaw: Scholar (in Polish)
2005. Polish labour migration in the age of change, Warsaw: WUW (in Polish)
2005. Mobility of the highly skilled from Poland in the context of EU accession, Warsaw: UKIE (co-author: Marek Okolski) (in Polish)


Prize of the Rector of the Warsaw University (2005)
2nd Prize for best dissertation on labour market related issues (Institute for Labour and Social Affairs, 2005)
Scholarship for young researchers granted by the Polish Science Foundation (2002-2003)