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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter BAUMGARTNER Full Professor, Technology-Enhanced Learning and Head, Department for Interactive Media and Educational Technologies, Danube University Krems


1972-1980 Doctorate, University of Vienna
1981-1986 Freelance Scientist, Vienna
1986-1998 Assistant, Institute for Research and Further Education, Vienna
1998-2003 Professor, Business Education, Institute for Organisation and Learning, University of Innsbruck
2006 Head, Educational Technology, Institute for Educational Science and Media Research, FernUniversität Hagen
2010-2013 Head, Department for Continuing Education Research and Educational Management, Danube University Krems
since 2006 Head, Department for Interactive Media and Educational Technologies, Danube University Krems


Member of the Styrian Research Committee (Steirischer Forschungsrat) for "research, innovation and technology for ghe future" of the Styrian government, 2006
Elected member of the senate of Danube University Krems (DUK), 2006
Member of the sientific board, KPH NÖ Wien, 2011
Member of the sientific advisery board, Akademie Bildung durch Verantwortung (Germany), 2016
Member of the extended committee of the university network "Bildung durch Verantwortung", 2017


Baumgartner, P., Brandhofer, G., Ebner, M., Gradinger, P., Korte, M. (2016) Medienkompetenz fördern  Lehren und Lernen im digitalen Zeitalter. In: Bruneforth, M., Eder, F., Krainer, K., Schreiner, C., Seel, A. & Spiel C. (Hrsg.). (2016). Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2015, Band 2: Fokussierte Analysen bildungspolitischer Schwerpunktthemen. Graz: Leykam. S. 95-131. DOI:
Baumgartner,Peter/Sickinger, Richard, Hg (2015) PURPLSOC The Workshop 2014
Bauer,Reinhard/Baumgartner,Peter (2012). Schaufenster des Lernens - Eine Sammlung von Mustern zur Arbeit mit E-Protfolios. Waxmann, Münster
Baumgartner, Peter (2011). Taxonomie von Unterrichtsmethoden - Ein Plädoyer für didaktische Vielfalt. Waxmann, Münster