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Peter HALL Professor of Planning at the Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning, University College London and Director of the Institute of Community Studies


 studied at the University of Cambridge
1965-79 member of the South East Regional Planning Council
1968-88 Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Urban and Regional Studies at the University of Reading
1974-79 member of the Social Science Research Council
1980-92 Professor at the University of California at Berkeley, now Professor Emeritus of City and Regional Planning
1990-92 expert adviser to the Government of South Australia for the Strategic Review for Metropolitan Adelaide
1991-94 Special Adviser on Strategic Planning to the Secretary of State for the Environment
1994-95 adviser to the London and Continental Rainway Company on the high-speed rail link from London to the Channel Tunnel
1998-99 member of the Deputy Prime Minister's Urban Task Force
1998-2001 co-principal investigator on the ESRC Cities Programme's London Integrated City Study
2000 convenor of the World Commission on 21st Century Urganization (Urban 21) and co-editor of its report


Honorary member of the Royal Town Planning Institute
Fellow of the British Academy
Academia Europea
Board of Trustees of the Town and Country Planning Association


Urban Future 21 (with U.Pfeiffer) 2000
Sociable Cities (with C.Ward) 1998
Cities of Tomorrow. 1998
Technopoles of the World (with M.Castells) 1994


Founder's Medal of the Royal Geographical Society for distinction in research
1998 knighted for services to the Town and Country Planning Association