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Mag. Peter HOFMANN Partner, Limina OG; Member, ÖBAM - Austrian Association for Mindfulness, Vienna


 With his expertise on designing and facilitating learning and dialogue spaces for small groups (teams) up to big groups (conferences) Peter has worked over the last 15 years for supranational institutions as the European Commission, Council of Europe, UN, WHO as well as for many non-governmental organisations. With his company "LIMINA- Learning in Transition" Peter is focusing on change and transition processes. Inspired by the Theory U he has started several years ago to engage in and with mindfulness - particularly in the field of education. He is a trained facilitator in mindfulness as well as Social Presencing Theatre. Peter holds a Master degree in History and Political Science and lectures at the Kírchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems (Master in Mindfulness in Education, Health and Coaching), University of Innsbruck and the Fachhochschule Wien. Peter lives with his family in Vienna.