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Petr DRULAK Political Secretary, Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prague


1994-1997 Executive Director of the Czech Council on Foreign Relations
1996-2004 Teaching assistant at the University of Economics in Prague
1998-2000 Research fellow at the Institute of International Relations in Prague
1999-2004 Guest teacher at the Institute of International Studies, Charles University, Prague
2000-2001 Director of Studies at the Institute of International Relations
2001-2004 Deputy Director of the Institute of International Relations
since 2004 Director of the Institute of International Relations
since 2005 Guest professor at the University of Public Administration and International Relations, Prague
Associate Professor of Political Science, Charles University, Prague


Editorial Board of Perspectives, Chairman
Journal of International Relations and Development, Associate Editor
Editor-in-Chief of Mezinárodni vztahy, 2000-2004
Chairman of the Editorial Board of Mezinárodni vztahy, 2004-2007


Drulák, P.; Cesal, J.; Hampl, S.: Interactions and identities of Czech civil servants on their way to the EU, Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 10, No.4, 637-654, 2003
Qui décide la politique étrangere tcheque? Les internationalistes, les européanistes, les atlantistes ou les autonomistes? La Revue internationale et stratégique, No. 61, Paris: IRIS, 71-84, 2006
Probably a Regime, Perhaps a Union: European Integration in the Czech and Slovak Political Discourse, In: Helene Sjursen, ed., Enlargement in perspective. Oslo: ARENA Report No 2/2005, p. 209-246, 2005
Reflexivity and structural change, In: Stefano Guzzini and Anna Leander, eds, Constructivism and International Relations: Alexander Wendt and his Critics. Routledge, London, 140-159, 2006