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Mag. Petr NOVAK Deputy Director, Ministry of the Interior, Department for Asylum and Migration Policies, Prague


1987 Academy of Arts, Faculty of Film and TV Dept. of Organization and Management
-91 Krátký film Praha, Dept. of Public Relations, Assistant
1991-92 Office of the Commissioner of the Czechoslovak Government for Refugees, Director
since 1993 Ministry of the Interior, Dept. for Asylum and Migration Policies, Deputy Director
1997 Charles University Prague, Faculty of Law, Special Course, EU Training for officials
2003 Diplomatic Academy of the Czech Republic, Special Course for Officials
 Participation in activities relevant to refugee problems:
 UNHCR HQ Geneva, UNHCR Office Vienna, EXCOM UNHCR Sessions, UNHCR Seminar Ankara
 International Visitor Program of the U.S. Information Agency - Immigrant and Refugee Issues in the U.S.A.
 Fact Finding Missions - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Poland, Romania, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Moldova, Latvia
 Seminars - BFF Bern, Aspen Institute Berlin, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Brussels, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. Bonn, H. Seidel Stiftung München
 Participation in international conferences on asylum seekers, refugees, temporary protection, humanitarian assistance (former Yugoslavia) - Vienna, Zagreb, Strassbourg, Budapest, Geneva, Warsaw, Interlaken, Minsk, Brussels, Rhodos, Athens
1996-97 Participation in the Repatriation Programme, in the Programme of Reconstruction of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the MEDEVAC (Medical Evacution Programme for children for medical treatment in the Czech Republic) Programme I
1999-2000 Participation in the Repatriation Programme, in the Programme of Reconstruction of Kosovo and the MEDEVAC Programme II
2003 Participation in the MEDEVAC Programme III - Iraq