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Dr. LL.M Petra BARD Visiting Professor, CEU - Central European University; Head, Criminal Law Division, National Institute of Criminology, Budapest


1997-2002 Various Voluntary Jobs
2001-2003 Research Assistant, Legal Studies Department, Central European University
2003-2006 E.U. Network of Independent Experts on Fundamental Rights
2004-2005 Research Assistant, Legal Studies Department, Central European University
2004 Tutor in Human Rights Law, Central European University
since 2004 Lecturer European Union Law and European Business Law, ESSCA Budapest (École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d'Angers)
2005 Member of Expert Group, Disability Rights,  Hand in Hand
since 2005 Lecturer, Legal Studies Department, Central European University
2006 Lecturer, Total LawTM
since 2006 Scientific Researcher, Criminal Law Division, National Institute of Criminology, Hungary
2006-2009 Researcher, EU 6th Framework Project GeneBanC
since 2007 Lecturer, Summer School on Mediation and Other Methods to Foster Democratic Dialogue
2008-2011 Researcher, EU 7th Framework Project Tiss.EU
since 2010 Head, Criminal Law Division, National Institute of Criminology, Hungary
2011-2012 Lecturer, ELTE Law School s Criminology


Vice-Chairperson, Founder, Hungarian Alpbach Association
Member of the Supervisory Board, Hungarian Europe Society
Member, Hungarian Society of Criminology
Member, European Law Institute


Best Dissertation Award, CEU, 2006, 2007
Vámbéry II Award, 2011
Ügyészségért Awart, 2013