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Philipp SCHMID Researcher, Center for Empirical Research in Economics and Behavioural Sciences, University of Erfurt


2013 Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, University of Erfurt, Germany
Culturally sensitive health communication and the influence of collectivism on vaccine intentions
2011-2015 University of Erfurt: Research Assistant at the German Research Foundation (DFG) Project: The narrative bias and vaccination
2015 Master of Science, Psychology, University of Erfurt, Germany
Master thesis: The influence of social norms on vaccine intentions
Researcher, Project: Nudging health-care personnel to increase the uptake of influenza vaccination, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
since 2015 PhD-Candidate,The influence of science denialism on health decision making. How should health authorities respond? Supervisor: PD Dr. Cornelia Betsch, University of Erfurt, Germany


CEREB - Center for Empirical Research in Economics and Behavioral Sciences
PIDI Lab - Psychology & Infectious Diseases Lab
GENIA - Gesundheitsforschung | Erfurter Netzwerk für interdisziplinären Austausch in Forschung, Lehre und Praxis


Betsch, C., Haase, N., Renkewitz, F., & Schmid, P.: The narrative bias revisited: What drives the biasing influence of narrative information on risk perceptions? Judgment and Decision Making, 10(3), 241-264. 2015
Betsch, C. & Schmid, P.: Angst essen Impfbereitschaft auf? Der Einfluss kognitiver und affektiver Faktoren auf die Risikowahrnehmung im Ausbruchsgeschehen. [The influence of cognitive and affective aspects of risk perception during outbreaks.] Bundesgesundheitsblatt, 56, 124-130. 2012