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Raimund J. ABRAHAM Professor of Architecture at Cooper Union NY


 studied Architecture and Engineering at the Technical University of Graz
 registered architect in Austria and New York
 selected exhibitions:
1964 "Work in Progress", Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island
1967 "L'Architettura Sperimentale", National Institute of Architects, Rome, Italy and Institute for Advanced Studies of Science and Art, London
1969 "Hyperspaces", Architectural League, New York
1975 "The House - Universe of Man", Galeria Universitaria, Mexiko City
1976 "Model as Idea", Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies, New York
1981 "Urban Fragments", Architectural Association, London
1982 "Trends in Contemporary Architecture", National Gallery, Athens
1984 "Arte Austriaca", Museum of Modern Art, Bologna
"Visionary Architecture", Kunsthalle Hamburg and Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich
1993 "The New Austrian Cultural Institute by Raimund Abraham", The Museum of Modern Art, New York


Grenzlinien/Borderlines, exhibition catalogue, Technical University Graz, Austria. 1989
Ungebaut/Unbuilt, exhibition catalogue, Galerie Museum, Bozen, Italy and Galerie Krinzinger, Innsbruck, Austria. 1986
Urban Fragments, exhibition catalogue, London. 1981
Works 1960-73, exhibition catalogue, Galerie Kalb, Vienna. 1973


1985 Third International Exhibition of Architecture, Venice, Italy, Stone Lion Award
1991 Multifunctional Center Vienna XXIII, Austria, Competition, 1st prize
1992 The New Austrian Cultural Institute New York, Competition, 1st prize
1993 Hypo-House, Lienz, Tyrol, Austria, Competition, 1st prize
1995 Grand Prize for Architecture of the City of Vienna