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Reiner NAGEL Chair, German Federal Foundation of Baukultur, Potsdam


1978 Diploma, Studies of Architecture
1986 Traineeship Urban Development, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
1991 Consultant to the Chief Planning Director Prof. E. Kossak, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
1994 Officer for Urban Development, Senate Chancellery, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
1998 Member of the Management Body, HCH - HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg
1999 Member, German Academy for Urban and Regional Spatial Planning, Berlin
2000-2005 Member of the Board, Hamburg Architectural Association, Hamburg
2005 Head of Department for Urban Development and Public Space Planning, Departement of Urban Development, Berlin Senate, State of Berlin
since 2009 Lecturer, Urban Design, Technische Universität Berlin
2013 Curatorship, National Urban Development Policy
since 2013 Chair, German Federal Foundation of Baukultur, Potsdam


Associate Member, Association of German Architects, 2011