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DDr. Renate KICKER Director, European Training and Research Center for Human Rights and Democracy; Deputy Head, Institute of International Law and International Relations, University of Graz


1972 Doctorate degree in Law, Karl-Franzens University Graz
1974 Doctoral degree in Political Sciences, Karl-Franzens University Graz
1972-1975 Research Assistant, Institute of International Law and International Relations, Karl-Franzens-University Graz
since 1995 Associate Professor, Institute of International Law and International Relations, Karl-Franzens-University Graz
since 2005 Deputy Head, Institute of International Law and International Relations, Karl-Franzens-University Graz
1997-2009 Member of the Council of CPT - European Commitee for the Prevention of Torture
2007-2009 1st Vice-president, CPT - European Commitee for the Prevention of Torture
since 2010 Director, ETC - European Training and Research Center for Human Rights and Democracy, Graz
since 2012 Chairperson, Human Rights Advisory Council to the Austrian Ombudsman Board


Member, German Society of International Law
Member, Austrian Society of International Law
Scientific Board member, Salzburg Institute for Human Rights
Scientific Board member, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights


Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Alpen-Adria: Von den Ursprüngen bis zur Gegenwart, in: Prettenthaler-Ziegerhofer, A./Staudinger, E. (Hrsg.), "Grenz-Erfahrungen". Metamorphosen von Lebensräumen an und mit Grenzen, politicum 109, 2009, 13-17
The Council of Europe. Pioneer and guarantor for human rights and democracy, Renate Kicker (ed.), Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg 2010
The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT), in: Gauthier de Beco (ed.), Human Rights Monitoring Mechanisms of the Council of Europe, Routledge, 2011
Kicker, R., Möstl, M., Standard-setting through monitoring? The role of Council of Europe expert bodies in the development of human rights, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg 2012


Styrian Human Rights Award, 2004
Ehrenzeichen des Landes Steiermark, 2010