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MA PhD MTS Richard DENMAN Director, The Tourism Company, London


1969-1972 Studies of Natural Sciences and Economics, Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, England
1973-1977 Ph.d. studies, Dept. Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Edinburgh, England
Research Associate, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Edinburgh, England
1978-1983 Research and Development Manager, Heart of England Tourist Board, Worcester, England
1984-1987 Deputy Director and Marketing Director, Heart of England Tourist Board, Worcester, England
1988-1991 Director, Tourism RMD, Ledbury, England
since 1991 Director, The Tourism Company, Ledbury, England


External Examiner for the MSc degree programme on International Tourism, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Board Director and Secretary of The International Ecotourism Society, Washington DC
Member of the European sustainable tourism consultancy network ECOTRANS
Member of The Tourism Society, UK


Tourism and recreation on farms, crofts and estates, Scottish Tourist Board and Highlands and Islands Development Board, 1978
Quality First. A Tourism Strategy for the Heart of England, Heart of England Tourist Board, 1989
Tourism in National Parks. A Guide to Good Practice, English Tourist Board, Countryside Commission, Rural Development Commission, Wales Tourist Board, Countryside Council for Wales, 1991
Spreading Success. A Tourism Strategy for the West Country, West Country Tourist Board, 1992
Tourism and The Environment, The Wales Tourist Board, 1992
Delivering Countryside Information. A Good Practice Guide, The Countryside Commission, 1993
Sustainable Rural Tourism, Opportunities for Local Action, Department of National Heritage, English Tourist Board, Countryside Commission, Rural Development Commission, 1995
Visitors to National Parks, The Countryside Commission, 1996
Visitor Payback, European Union, DGXXIII, Tourism Unit, 1997
Towards Quality Rural Tourism - Integrated Quality Management of Rural Tourist Destinations, European Union, DG - Enterprise, 2000
Guidelines for community-based ecotourism development. WWF International, 2001
Tourism and Local Agenda 21. UNEP Division of Technology, Industry and Economics, 2002 (with Anne Vourc h)
Tourism and Poverty Alleviation - Recommendations for Action World Tourism Organization, 2004
Making Tourism More Sustainable. A guide for policy makers United Nations Environment Programme and World Tourism Organization, 2005
Action for More Sustainable European Tourism European Union Tourism Sustainability Group, 7/2006