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Mag. Dr. Robert MACH Leader of Gene Technology group; vice head of working group, TU Vienna


1984-89, Studies at the University of Vienna, subject: Microbiology and Genetics
1990-1993 Ph.D. at the Technical University of Vienna
1992 Lecturer at the Biochemical Engineering Research Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India.
1996 PostDoc at Institute of Plant Pathology, Naples, Italy.
1999 Graduation as ao. Prof. for Molecular Biology (Habilitation) at the Technical University of Vienna
2001 Head of the research group Gene Technology, at the Inst. of Chemical Engineering, Vienna University of Technology. V


Member of the American Society for Microbiology
Member of Austrian Biotechnological Society
Editorial board Member of the ASM Journal AEM


Winter C, Hein T, Kavka G, Mach RL, Farnleitner AH. AEM 2007 73:421-31
Reischer GH, Kasper DC, Steinborn R, Mach RL, Farnleitner AH. Environ Microbiol. 2006 72: 5610-4
Stricker AR, Wilhartitz I, Farnleitner AH, Mach RL. Microbiol Res. 2006
Farnleitner AH, Wilhartitz I, Ryzinska G, Kirschner AK, Stadler H, Burtscher MM, Hornek R, Szewzyk U, Herndl G, Mach RL. Environ Microbiol. 2005 7:1248-59.


1996 OECD Grant (PostDoc stay University of Naples)