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Dr. rer. soc. Sabine MAASEN Professor, Friedrich Schiedel Endowed Chair in the Sociology of Science, TUM - Technische Universität München


2001 Habilitation, Sociology
2001-2009 Professor, Science Studies/Sociology of Science, University of Basel
2010-2013 Professor, Science Studies/Sociology of Science, University of Basel
since 2013 Professor, Sociology of Science (Friedrich Schiedel Endowed Chair of Sociology of Science), Technical University of Munich
Liesel Beckmann Distinguished Professorship
since 2014 Head, MCTS - Munich Center for Technology in Society, Technical University of Munich


Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S)/European Association for the Social Studies of Science/EASST
German Sociological Association, Section: Sociology of Knowledge
Board of sts-ch (Science, Technology & Society, Switzerland)


Maasen, Sabine; Weingart, Peter (eds.), Democratization of Expertise? Exploring Novel Forms of Scientific Advice in Political Decision-Making, Dordrecht: Springer, 2005
Maasen, Sabine; Prinz, Wolfgang; Roth, Gerhard (eds.), Voluntary Action. Brains, Minds and Sociality, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003
Maasen, Sabine; Winterhager, Matthias: Science Studies. Probes Into the Dynamics of Scientific Knowledge, Bielefeld: transcript, 2001
Maasen, Sabine; Weingart, Peter: Metaphors and the Dynamics of Knowledge, New York/London: Routledge, 2000
Maasen, Sabine; Wissenssoziologie (Sociology of Knowledge), Bielefeld: transcript (new Edition 2009), 1999