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Dr. Sabrina BADIR ETH Pioneer Fellow, Institute for Mechanical Systems, ETH - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich


2005-2008 BSc Human Movement Science, ETH Zurich
2008-2010 MSc Human Movement Science with Major in Biomechanics, ETH Zurich
2011-2015 PhD Thesis: Towards a diagnostic device: mechanical characterization of the uterine cervix in pregnancy


Badir S, Mazza E, Bajka M (2016). Objective assessment of cervical consistency after administration of misoprostol for intrauterine contraceptive insertion, Ultrasound International Open, in press
Badir S, Maurer MM, Pensal ni M, Bajka M, Abitabile P, Zimmermann R, Mazza E (2015).
Challenging the in-vivo assessment of biomechanical properties of the uterine cervix: A critical analysis of ultrasound based quasi-static procedures. J Biomech, 48(9):1541-8.
Badir S, Mazza E, Bajka M (2013). Cervical softening occurs early in pregnancy: characterization of cervical stiness in 100 healthy women using the aspiration technique. Prenat Diag, 33, 737-741.
Badir S, Bajka M, Mazza E (2012). A novel procedure for the mechanical characterization of the uterine cervix during pregnancy. J M Behav Biomed Mater, 27, 143-153.