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Sandro GOZI State Secretary for European Affairs, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Rome


1995-1996 Diplomat
 Economic relations with the former Yugoslavia States, Turkey, Cyprus, Albania and Greece.
 Secretariat of DG Economic affairs.
 Preparation to the Italian Presidency.
1996 Relations with the European Parliament and negotiation for the adoption of the Euro
 European Commission - General Secretary
1997 Participation in the negotiation of the Amsterdam Treaty
 Expert at the Cabinet of the Commissioner Marcelino Oreja Aguirre
1998 Desk officer  Bosnia - Herzegovina and regional cooperation
 European Commission - DG External Relations
2000-2004 Political advisor and member of the cabinet of the European Commissionn President Romano
2004-2005 Political advisor to the European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso
2001 Coordinator of the Stability Pact and of regional cooperation initiatives in the Balkans
 European Commission - DG External Relations
2005 Diplomatic advisor to President of the Italian region of Puglia, Nichi Vendola
2006 Member of the committee for the election campaign of Romano Prodi
2006-2008 Member of Parliament - President of the bicameral committee on Schengen, Europol,
 I Parliamentary Commission on Constitutional Affairs (Substitute of the Prime Minister)
 XIV Parliamentary Commission on European Union Policies
 President of the Federalist parliamentary Intergroup for the European Constitution
 European policies adivsor to the Prime Minister
2006 Deputy Secretary-General of the European Democratic Party
2007-2008 Member of the Democratic Party national directorate
 Member of the Party's commission for the definition of the "Charter of values".
 Elected in the Party's national assembly in support of Walter Veltroni.
2008-2013 Member of Parliament - Group leader of the Democratic Party at the parliamentary
 Commission on EU policies
 President of the Committee for the examination of the European policies
 Co-President of Federalist parliamentaryIntergroup for the European Constitution.
 President of the parliamentary group for the Italy-India friendship.
 Member of the bicameral Committee on Schengen,Europol and Immigration.
2013 Present Vice-President of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Present Unpaid advisor to the Municipality of Rome
 Unpaid advisor to the Major of Rome Ignazio Marino on matters related to the European funds and
Present Member of Parliament - President of the Italian parliamentary Delegation to the Assembly of the Council of Europe
 XIV Parliamentary Commission on European Union Policies.
 Co-President of the Federalist parliamentary Intergroup for the United States of Europe.
2014 Present Under Secretary of the Italian Government in charge of European Policies
Present Vice-President of the Socialist Group at the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe