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Ph.D. Sigmund LOLAND Rector, The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NSSS), Oslo


1989 PhD in Sport Sciences
1989-1991 Ass. Prof., Alpine Skiing, NSSS
1991-1994 Post doc, the Norwegian Research Council
1993 Visiting scholar, Dept. of Philosophy, Stanford University
1994-1995 Ass. Prof., Sport Philosophy, NSSS
since 1995 Professor, Sport Philosophy, NSSS
1995-1998 Head of Dept. of Social Sciences, NSSS
since 2005 Rector, NSSS


International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (IAPS)
American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education (AAKPE)
European College of Sport Sciences (ECSS)
Philosophy of Science Association Awards


Fair Play - A Moral Norm System, 2002
Idrett, kultur, samfunn (Sport, Culture and Society), 2002
Pain and Injury in Sport, 2006
Technology in Sport, EJSS 2001, vol. 2, issue 1


Elected and appointed as President, IAPS, 2002
International Fellow, AAKPE, since 2004