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DI Dr. Stefan SAUERMANN Geschäftsführender Leiter, Studiengang Biomedical Engineering Sciences, Fachhochschule Technikum Wien


1993-1996 Junior Scientist, Research and Development Projects, ZBMTP - Center for Biomedical Engineering and Physics, Medical University of Vienna
1996-2006 University Assistant (full time), ZBMTP - Center for Biomedical Engineering and Physics, Medical University of Vienna
since 2004 Chairman, Committee for "Medical Informatics" ON-K238, Austrian Standards Institute
since 2005 Moderator, Working Group 2 "Interoperability - Standards", Austrian e-Health Initiative, Federal Ministry of Health
since 2007 Lecturer, Researcher and Acting Program Director, "Biomedical Engineering Sciences" Master's degree study program, University of Applied Sciences, Fachhochschule Technikum Wien


EMBS - Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
IFESS - International Functional Electrostimulation Society
ÖGBMT - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik
ASSTeH - Austrian Scientific Society for Telemedicine and eHealth


Sauermann, S. et al: Computer aided adjustment of the phrenic pacemaker: automatic functions, documentation, and quality control, Journal of Artificial Organs, 21, (3), pp. 216-218, 1997
Sauermann, S. et al: Die Österreichische e-Health Strategie - Eine Informations- und Kommunikationsstrategie für ein modernes Österreichisches Gesundheitswesen - Bericht der Österreichischen e-Health Initiative - Stand November 2005 Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Datenverarbeitung (ADV), Vienna, Austria, 2005
Sauermann, S. et al: Kinematic evaluation in Parkinson's disease using a hand-held position transducer and computerized signal analysis. Acta Neurochir, Wien, 147, (9), pp. 939-945, 2005
Sauermann, S. et al: Healthy Interoperability: A Standard Based Framework for Integrating Personal Monitoring and Personal Health Device Data into Medical Information Systems The Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare, Vol 7 (4), pp.214-221, 2009


Silver Medal of Honour of the Austrian Standards Institute