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Prof. (FH) Dr. Stefanie WÖHL Head, European and International Studies, University of Applied Sciences BFI, Vienna


 Since 2015 Prof. (FH) Dr. Stefanie Wöhl is Head of European and International Studies at the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, department "European Economy and Business Management". Before, she held positions as Guest Professor at the University of Kassel, and at the University of Vienna in the political science department and the department for international development. From 2011-2013 she was a research fellow in the Einstein Research group on the "Crisis of Democracy" of Prof. Nancy Fraser at the John-F.-Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin. From 2006-2010 she was an Assistant Professor at the University of Vienna, and from 2003-2006 a Research Fellow in the Political Science Department at the Philipps University Marburg.


Austrian Political Science Association
European and International Studies Association
Association for Critical Social Research


Wöhl, S. et al (Hrsg.), The State of the European Union, Wiesbaden: Springer (forthcoming), 2018
Wöhl, S., The Gender Dynamics of Financialization and Austerity in the European Union - The Irish Case, in: Kantola, Johanna/Lombardo, Emmanuela (eds.): Gender, Politics, and the Crisis in Europe. Politics, Institutions and Intersectionality, Basingstoke: PalgraveMacmillan, 139-160, 2017
Wöhl, Stefanie, Demokratie in Zeiten multipler Krisen. Machtverschiebungen zur Exekutive, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, APuZ 66 (40-42), 42-46., 2016


Elisabeth Selbert Prize of the Federal Land of Hesse