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Sylvia HARTLEIF Principal Advisor and Head, Foreign Policy Team, EPSC - European Political Strategy Centre, European Commission, Brussels


 Sylvia Hartleif is Principal Advisor and leader of the foreign policy team at the European Political Strategy Centre, the European Commission's in-house think tank. The EPSC provides strategic analysis and policy advice to the President and the College of the Commission.
 Prior to joining the EPSC, she was for nine years senior advisor to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag and secretary of the Sub-Committee on Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. From 2001 to 2003 she served as deputy secretary to the EU Affairs Committee and legal advisor to the Bundestag's delegation in the Convention on the Future of Europe on which she has published articles and co-authored two books. A graduate of Harvard's Kennedy School, USA, and the Law School of Passau University, Germany, her earlier professional commitments also include the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO and the World Bank.


Europa Union Germany
German Council on Foreign Relations
European Council on Foreign Relations


'Gemeinsame Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik 2019' Annual Foresight Report,
Department for Security Policy, Ministry for Defence of Austria, Wien 2018
'Europas Verfassung: Der Deutsche Bundestag und der Europäische Konvent', coauthored with Jürgen Meyer, German Bundestag, Berlin 2003
'Die Konventsidee', Jürgen Meyer and Sylvia Hartleif in: Zeitschrift für
Parlamentsfragen, Vol. 33, No. 2 (2002), pp. 368-376
'Der Weg zum EU-Verfassungskonvent', with Michael Fuchs und Vesna Popovic,
German Bundestag, Berlin 2002


2005 Harvard Fellow/ Federal Academy of Public Administration, Germany
2004 Marshall Memorial Fellow/ German Marshall Fund of the United States