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Teppo JÄRVINEN Clinical professor and Chief Surgeon, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Central Hospital


1997 MD, University of Tampere
1999 PhD, University of Tampere
2002 Docent (Adjunct professor), University of Tampere
1999-2007 Senior researcher, Department of Surgery, University of Tampere
2004-2014 Surgical/Orthopedic Resident
2008-2009 Orthopaedic trauma Fellow, Department of Orthopaedics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
2007-2014 Clinical Scientist/Researcher, Academy of Finland
2014 Orthopedic surgeon, University of Helsinki


IDEAL Collaboration, 2014
McMaster Online Rating of Evidence (MORE), 2013
Editorial Board; Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, and Arthroscopy (KSSTA) 2010-2012, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2004-2010


Sihvonen R, Englund M, Turkiewicz A, Järvinen TLN; for the FIDELITY Group. Mechanical symptoms and arthroscopic partial meniscectomy in patients with degenerative meniscus tear: A secondary analysis of a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Ann Intern Med 2016 Feb 9. doi: 10.7326/M15-0899.
Järvinen TLN, Michaëlsson K, Jokihaara J, et al. Overdiagnosis of  bone fragility in the quest to prevent hip fractures.  Too much medicine -Analysis, BMJ 350:h2088, . DOI:, 2015
Järvinen TLN, Jokihaara J, Guy P, Alonso-Coello P, Collins GS, Michaëlsson K, Sievänen H. Conflicts at the heart of FRAX® tool. CMAJ 2013. DOI:10.1503 /cmaj.121874, 2013
Sihvonen R, Paavola M, Malmivaara A, Itälä A, Joukainen A, Kalske J, Nurmi H, Järvinen TLN; Finnish Degenerative Meniscal Lesion Study (FIDELITY) Group. Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy vs Sham for a Degenerative Meniscus Tear. New England Journal of Medicine, 369: 2513-22, 2013. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1305189
Järvinen TLN, Sievänen H, Kannus P, Jokihaara J, Khan KM. The true cost of pharmacological disease prevention. BMJ 342:1006-1008, 2011.


TOP 100 Most Influential Healthcare Professionals in Finland, Mediuutiset (2014 & 2015)
Scientific Achievement of the Year 2013, University of Tampere (FIDELITY trial)
Berton Rahn Research Prize Award, AO Foundation 2010