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Thomas GEBAUER Executive Director, Stiftung Medico International, Frankfurt


1979-1986 Programme Officer for Latin America, Medico International e.V., Frankfurt/Mexico
1987-1995 Head, Project Department, Medico International e.V., Frankfurt
1996-2018 Executive Director, Medico International e.V., Frankfurt
since 2019 Executive Director, Stiftung Medico International, Frankfurt


Peoples Health Movement, International Network
Founding member and member of the Steering Committee, International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), 1991-1999


Thomas Gebauer/Ilija Trojanow: "Hilfe? Hilfe! - Wege aus der globalen Krise", Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt 2018


Part of the ICBL Delegation to receive the Nobel Peace Prize 1997, Oslo
Goethe-Plakette of the city of Frankfurt, 2014