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Dr. Thomas GRUNERT Principal Administrator, European Parliament, DG II, Division for Relations with National Parliaments and Interparliamentary Assemblies


1970-77 Political Sciences and Modern Languages (Romanistik) at the University of Tübingen (Germany) and at Sorbonne (Paris)
1975 Degree in Political Sciences and Modern Languages (Univ. Tübingen)
-77 Scientific collaborator at the Institute of Political Science (Univ. Tübingen); concurrently degree in Physical Education
1978-82 PhD Student and Research Fellow at the European University Institute (Florence)
1981 PhD in Social Sciences at the University of Tübingen
1982-83 J.F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow at Harvard University (Centre of European Studies)
1983-84 Research Fellow at the Policy Unit of the European University Institute (Florence), working with Profs. J. Weiler and Y. Meny
1984-86 Director of the Economic committee at the Secretariat of the North Atlantic Assembly (NATO Parliamentary Assembly)
1986-97 Administrator / Principal Administrator at the Secretariat General of the European Parliament, DG IV, division for Political and Institutional Affairs
  (mainly dealing with EPC/CFSP, Security, Defence and Disarmament issues; Adviser to the Sub-Committee of Security and Disarmament)
1998-00 Principal Administrator at the Secretariat General of the European Parliament, DG II, division for Relations with National Parliaments and Interparliamentary Assemblies
2001 Head of Secretariat, European Parliament, DG II, Temporary Committee on Human Genetics
2002 Principal Administrator, European Parliament, DG II, Division for Relations with national Parliaments and Interparliamentary Assemblies


Europäisches Parlament, Hauptverwaltungsrat, Generaldirektion
Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration
Centre d'etudes europeennes, Univ. Liore de Bruxelles (Conseil Academie)


The security and defense questions and the enlargement of the EU, EP Task Force Enlargement Paper, 1999.
The Role of the European Union in the Reconstruction of the Balkans; in: Regional Security and Reconstruction in the Balkans; Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, Athens; 1999.
Th. Grunert/A. Maurer: Der Wandel in der Europapolitik der Mitgliedsstaaten (Chapter on "Außen- und Sicherheitspolitische Strukturvorstellungen von EPZ zur GASP"); in: Jopp, Maurer, Schneider (Hrsg.): Europapoltische Grundverhältnisse im Wandel, S. 213-292, Bonn, London, Boston 1998 (Europa Union Verlag).
The European Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy and enlargement: consequences for the East and the Atlantic Alliance; in: The Union and the World: The Political Economy of a Common European Foreign Policy; Kluwer Law International, The Hague, London, Boston, 1998.
The Association of the European Parliament: No longer the Underdog in EPC; in: Foreign Policy of the European Union; Lynne Rienner, London, 1997.
La politica mediterranea dell'Unione Europea come elemento della politica estera e di sicurezza; in: Unione Europea e Mediterraneo fra globalizzazione e frammentazione; Publisher: European Study Association, Cacuscci, Bari, 1996.
The Association of the European Parliament to the common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP); in: Regional and Global Responsibilities of the European Union in the 1990s; Publisher: Lynne Rienner (Boulder, Colorado), 1996.
Intergovernmental Conference 1996: The Development of the common Foreign and Security Policy; Publisher: European Parliament, 1996.
Intergovernmental Conference 1996: WEU, Security and Defence; Publisher: European Parliament, 1996.
European Security and Defence: Institutional Arrangements, Cooperations Patterns and Perspectives; Publisher: European Parliament, 1996.
Prospects for a Common Foreign and Security Policy - Preliminary Review; Publisher: European Parliament, 1994.
Towards a Right of Interference; Publisher: European Parliament, 1993.
Others: numerous conference-, seminar- and workshop papers on international relations, security and defence issues, enlargement and institutional developments of the EU.


Förderpreis der Hans Jäckl Stiftung