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Thomas LANDRAIN Co-Founder and President, Just One Giant Lab; Co-Founder and ex Chief Executive Officer, PILI and La Paillasse, Paris


2002-2005 Licence (B.Sc.), Molecular Biology and Physiology, Institut catholique d’etudes superieures
2005-2007 Master, Biology - Genetics, Universite Paris Diderot
Master, Biology - Genetics, ENS - Ecole normale superieure
2007-2008 Master, Interdisciplinary Approach to Life Sciences, Universite Denis Diderot (Paris VII)
2009-2014 Doctor of Philosophy - PhD, Synthetic Biology, Universite Paris-Saclay
since 2014 Mentor, IndieBio
since 2017 Member of the Digital Strategy Board, APHP, Paris
Co-Founder and Board Member, La Paillasse, Paris
Co-Founder and President, Just One Giant Lab, Paris


Landrain, T.; Meyer, M.; Martin Perez, A.; Sussan, R.: Do-it-yourself biology: challenges and promises for an open science and technology movement, Systems and Synthetic Biology Journal, August 2, 2013
Landrain, T.; Rodrigo, G.; Jaramillo, A.: Full Design Automation of Multi-State RNA Devices to Program Gene Expression Using Energy-Based Optimization, PLoS Computational Biology, August 1, 2013
Landrain, T.; Rodrigo, G.; Jaramillo, A.: A new frontier in synthetic biology: automated design of small RNA devices in bacteria, Trends in Genetics, July 23, 2013
Landrain, T.; Rodrigo, G.; Jaramillo, A.: De novo automated design of small RNA circuits for engineering synthetic riboregulation in living cells, Proceedings of National Academy of Science, September 18, 2012