Dr. Thomas S. MARSONER Senior Advisor to Lehman Brothers Europe Limited
1978 | -82 JD, University of Vienna, Austria |
1982 | -84 Traineeships: Creditanstalt, SG Warburg, McKinsey |
1983 | -85 MBA, Columbia Business School, New York |
1985 | -89 Vice President, Salomon Brothers, New York Country Funds, ADRs, Privatisations, General Corporate Finance, M&A |
1989 | -95 Managing Director, Salomon Brothers, London, Co-Head of Financial Institutions Group |
1995-2001 | Managing Director, Lehman Brothers, London; Co-Head of Consumer Products Group; Head of all Industry Groups; Head of Financial Institutions Group |
2001 | -Present Senior Advisor to Lehman Brothers; Founding Shareholder, Indexceed Ltd, an Enhanced Index Fund Management Company |