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Ton VAN-LIEROP Spokesperson of Vice-President Günter Verheugen, European Commission, Brussels


1977-1984 HAVO and Atheneum-A, highest level Dutch secondary education, Eindhoven, Netherlands
1984-1985 PABO, Dutch teacher training course, Eindhoven, Netherlands
1985-1988 Academy for Journalism and Communication, Tilburg, Netherlands
1988-1989 Dagblad De Limburger, Dutch regional daily, Maastricht and Sittard, foreign and home news desk junior editor
  and regional reporter, after internship in 1987
1990-1991 Omroep Brabant, regional radio station, Eindhoven, Netherlands, producer, reporter and presenter regional news
1991-1994 Arnhemse Courant, Dutch regional daily, Arnhem, business and labour relations reporter, working for GPD,
  syndicate of Dutch regional dailies, as specialist on AkzoNobel and chemical industry in general as well
1994-1995 ANP, Dutch national (privately owned) press agency, Amsterdam, business and finance reporter, mainly
  covering stock markets, Shell/oil industry and food industry
1996-2006 ANP, Brussels correspondent, covering EU/NATO/Belgium, mainly reporting on financial affairs, justice
  and home affairs and defence/NATO
since 2006 Spokesman Enterprise & Industry and spokesman Vice President Günter Verheugen, European Commission