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M.Sc. Torsti LOIKKANEN Research Manager, VTT Technology Studies


1982-1986 Researcher on environmental economics, The Ministry of The Environment
1986-1987 Secretary General, National Committee of Environmental Economics, appointed by Government of Finland
  (in liaison of The Ministry of The Environment)
1987-1992 Senior Planning Officer and Office Manager, Planning Group of VTT Management Staff
1992-1993 Visiting Scholar, Roskilde University, Denmark
1993 Visiting Scholar, TNO Centre for Technology and Policy Studies, The Netherlands
1993-1997 Senior Planning Officer, Planning Group of VTT Management Staff
1997-2001 Group Manager of VTT Industrial Environmental Economics
since 2001 Research Manager of VTT Technology Studies


Executive Committee of ESTO of the EC, 2002-2004
Steering Committee of Six Countries Programme, 1991-1993 and again since 2001
Steering Committee of Environmental Management Accounting Network,1998-2002
Steering Committee of Finnish Association of Environmental Management, 1999-2000


Finnish Participation in the EU Fifth Framework Programme and Beyond (with Uotila, Kuitunen and Kutinlahti), VTT Technology Studies and Tekes, 2004
The Internationalisation of R&D, VTT Technology Studies (forthcoming 2005)
Innovation System and Sustainable Development - Towards an Innovation Driven Development Path, in Schienstock, G. (Ed), Transformation Towards Learning Society, The Challenge for a Finnish Innovation System, SITRA 213, 1999
Towards a Social Orientation in Finnish Technology Policy (with E.O.Seppälä), in: Aichholzer, G. and Scienstock, G. (eds), Technology Policy, Towards an Integration of Social and Ecological Concerns, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 1994


World Commission on Environment and Development (Bruntlandt Commission)
Invited Member of the Economic Expert Group in Saltsjöbaden Conference, Sweden, 1987
UN-ECE, Member of Ad Hoc Working Group on Environment and Economics for the Forecast Economic Development to the Year 2000, 1987